
HubSpot product updates: december 2021

Written by Kevin van Beers | Apr 29, 2024 11:41:43 AM
The end of 2021. What a year it has been again. Perhaps the most productive year for HubSpot when it comes to product updates. Go figure, think back to January 2021 and all the things you didn't have available to you within the growth suite back then. And to cap it off, HubSpot also made some great updates in December. I'll take you through the most important ones.

Automatically starting (or ending) Sequences

A few months ago it became possible from HubSpot to activate sequences through a workflow (only possible with Sales/Service Hub Enterprise). Very valuable update. We no longer send sequences manually but can be started automatically based on different criteria.

With this update we have even more possibilities to automate a (sales) sequence. What about a sequence based on a conversion or a page visit?

Start a sequence the moment you have had a meeting with a prospect. Simply log the meeting with a certain outcome and the workflow will cause the sequence to start to keep the prospect warm, for example. This is now available within the Sales or Service Hub Enterprise license.

Schedulable workflows

Schedulable workflows, huh? This is typically an update you didn't know you needed. (Or you do, and jump a hole in the air!) It is now possible to schedule workflows and activate them at a specific time.

Do a check for valid email addresses every 3rd Tuesday of the month? Or automatically go through your contacts database every week to capitalize first and last names? Put phone numbers in the right notation in the CRM, it is now possible thanks to scheduling workflows at set times. Perfect for so-called clean-up workflows. But also for those monthly reminders to your sales or marketing team, for example.

This is now available for the Operations Hub Professional and Enterprise licenses.

Cancel and reschedule meetings

Canceling meetings is never the approach. However, it can happen for whatever reason. People apologize via a phone call, app or email. Hastily also remove the invite.

With this small update it is now possible for contacts who have scheduled an appointment using your meeting link to cancel or reschedule it independently. This will then be immediately updated in the original invitation. No more back-and-forth communication!

Within the set up of your meeting link you have the choice to also add so-called 'cancel' and 'reschedule' links that give your contacts the option. If someone cancels the meeting through the link then that will be reflected in the invitation. If someone reschedules a meeting then the original invitation is moved to the new time.

Segmenting contacts by time zone

If you work internationally then you are bound to have challenges in terms of scheduling appointments if you are both in different time zones. With this update, you get an additional property in the CRM with around 500 predefined time zones to divide your contacts into. This gives you an even better overview of your marketing and sales activities. Not useful to call that prospect at the beginning of the day if he is in America. He is probably still sleeping. By understanding what time zone someone is in, you no longer call people out of bed. ;)

Stay tuned

Wondering what 2022 will bring? As a HubSpot partner, we've already gotten a sneak-peak for what else is coming in 2022. And I can tell you, there are some really great updates on the horizon! Sign up for our newsletter and stay tuned.