WorkFlowWise was using HubSpot CMS as early as 2013. The company chose HubSpot early on because it fit well with its grand plans for the future, including international expansion and the move to cloud-based technology. The initial website was mainly about setting it up in a logical customer journey. After that, WorkFlowWise's main goal was to attract as many qualified visitors as possible and to have a Web site that always moved with the company and its platform.
In 2013, WorkFlowWise was using Exact Synergy for both the marketing and sales teams. However, this system did not have all the functionality needed for success. There was no automation and it was difficult to connect the different systems.
By focusing entirely on inbound methodology, starting with HubSpot CMS plus Marketing Hub, WorkFlowWise ensured that it was ready for the future. WorkFlowWise designed its website as a funnel, from general facts to specific information, managing to create a logical customer journey for its first website. With landing pages, CTAs, forms and workflows, the company improved lead engagement. Since then, WorkFlowWise has been using all the functionality to keep moving with the company and the platform.
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