
HubSpot Onboarding Plan: get off to a flying start

Written by Flip Kloet | Apr 29, 2024 11:23:14 AM
The ball is in the court: your organization is getting started with HubSpot. To get off to a good start with the software, you naturally want all the elements to be in the right place, settings to be correct and the tool to link effortlessly with other software. Especially when it comes to software like HubSpot, where important information about traffic, leads and customers is secured.

So take advantage of this HubSpot Onboarding Plan - a roadmap that, as an official HubSpot Partner, we regularly go through with clients. After reading this blog, you'll know what actions and choices are important to get off to a flying start with HubSpot.

Onboarding Plan for HubSpot: get started!

  • Tip #1: Use working in a new system as a time to clean up your database. This is because in HubSpot, the additional fee is determined based on the number of contacts in your database.

    Tip 2: When importing contacts, also take into account possible people who have unsubscribed in other (CRM) systems (opt-outs).

    Tip 3: When importing contacts, take into account AVG / GDPR regulations (see next point)

  • Make HubSpot AVG / GDPR-proof
    In May 2018, all settings were released within HubSpot's Marketing & Sales software to set things up "GDPR-proof" (also called AVG in Dutch). Also the Product Playbook has been launched by HubSpot which gives you text and explanation about the changes within HubSpot regarding the GDPR. In this blog, we highlight some important issues regarding GDPR that you can consider when using HubSpot.
  • Create your first (Marketing) campaign in HubSpot
    When you're working in HubSpot's Marketing Hub, you'll naturally want to get started with campaigns quickly. That's what HubSpot's Campaign tool is for. In Webs' Onboarding process, we can set up the first campaign(s) with you so you start generating traffic, leads and customers right away. Read more about the options here.
  • Set up landing page, Email and blog templates or create them yourself

    HubSpot has a number of standard templates for Emails, blogs, and landing pages. When you entrust your Onboarding to us, we don't implement these default templates. Thanks to years of experience with digital transformations of our clients in B2B, we know which elements create "the click. Your E-mail, blog and landing page templates are therefore unique: completely in your house style and optimally designed for conversion. So you generate more traffic and qualified leads from day one.

Take a look at the extensive HubSpot Academy to get off to a flying start. Good luck!